What is the Vegan Cook-along?With the UN citing strong links between plant based eating and improving climate change and global warming; Transition Stourbridge wants to engage, educate and unite their community by providing Cook-a-long virtual sessions to subscribers wishing to find out more about eating plant based. The Transition Stourbridge team have formed strong links with its local small business partners and by providing our towns businesses the marketing exposure of our network and social media links we hope to provide not only an education platform for plant based dining but also to help our members associate their local Health Food Shop with its owner, or local restaurant with its chefs. We want to make it personal, and to do this we must make our approach accessible for all, even during these current times where we are not all able to be together.
Did You Know?Researchers at the University of Oxford found that cutting meat and dairy products from your diet could reduce an individual's carbon footprint by up to 73%. As bad as meat is for your body, it’s equally as bad for the world. The animal agriculture industry is responsible for a whopping 91% of rainforest deforestation, one-fifth of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, and other major water and air pollution issues. |